We all need more BEACHES.
Oh…and definitely more BOOKS.
That’s why you’re here, RIGHT?

I write beach reads for “Lovelies”
and sweet picture books for “Littles”

Let’s deliver something BEACHY
right to your front door!

See, here’s the thing…

Sometimes life drains you.

You’re so busy doing it all!

Maybe what you really need is a little

quiet time to escape and relax.

Nothing relaxes us like

being on the beach.

But who gets to hang out on the beach every day???


It doesn’t seem to matter where we live,

we never get enough time on the beach.

Let’s change this.

I would love to bring the beach right to your front door!

First, You need a good bEACH READ.

And it must be a beach read.

Beach Read


\ ˈbēch / ˈrēd \


1: works of fiction that often boast lighter topics, but can also deal with difficult topics. Generally read on or near the beach wearing a new bathing suit, a floppy hat, and sunglasses.

2: a vehicle often used by readers to transport themselves to a beach using their imagination. This method has an exponentially increased chance of success if the reader is barefoot.

*Definition may vary by reader, but my friends all agree on this definition.

If you are looking for you, or a friend, just scroll up and click on the “BOOKS FOR ME!” button!

Next, You need a beachy children’s book.

They will be completely occupied while you read your book.

ok, I may be exaggerating, but maybe you’ll have a chance at reading a chapter!

Parents and Grandparents agree:

1: Reading and storytelling helps toddlers learn about sounds, words and language.

2: Reading stories stimulates imagination, develops social skills and helps toddlers learn about the world.

3: The picture books written and illustrated by Lynnette Adair will bring a smile to all who read them.*

*This statement remains true to date

If you are looking for a children’s book, just scroll up and click on the “BOOKS FOR LITTLES!” button!

Lynnette Adair's Beach Read Books Besties graphic

the beach read books besties

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I'm not into newsletters, but I AM into BOOKS!
Pinky swear promise to ONLY send emails
when I want to share fun stuff with you.
What I'm reading.
Which beach I'm on.
Let's be Beach Read Book Besties!